Saturday, May 1, 2010

KineticD Online Backup and Remote Access.

In April 2010, top tier online backup provider Data Deposit Box redefined their online backup services to include services that drop it right into the middle of the fight for the hearts and minds of online backup and storage consumers.

KineticD ties cloud based backup services and Virtual Private Network (VPN) services into a single bundle. Allowing a user with the kineticD software installed to automatically and securely back up important files to the cloud, then allowing controlled sharing and access to those files from anywhere there is an internet connection via the KineticD web portal.

Where KineticD differentiates itself from its competitors is its VPN service, KineticExtend. KineticD allows a user to access files and applications on their PC from any other PC, anywhere there is an interenet connection. This service is designed to make remote access for IT department staff, or vendors to securely access a customer's PC without the need for complex VPNs or on-site visits.

KineticD still offers the industrial strength online backup services for which Data Deposit Box is well known, such as document versioning, fast and redundant secure Raid 6 servers, and the ability to restore data to any PC, regardless of whether it has the KineticD software installed.

To learn more about KineticD, visit the website: